Arts Teacher
Satit Pattana School
Background and Problem :
Graduating with an ability of an artist, I always dream of being an art teacher in an elementary school , I wish to inspire and assist my young students to be passionate and be able to use arts as a tool of their life skills and work skills development. As a new teacher,lesson planning and its implementing were time – consuming and difficult tasks for me. However, in 2016 academic years, the school administrators offered me opportunities to be a member of Professional Learning Community (PLC) employingLesson Study (LS) as a school development strategy. I was later trained to apply 5-step learning process and “think-pair-share activities” in designing my arts lesson for grade 1 students and work collaboratively through the cycle of LS in PLC.
The objective was to analyze:
- Impottant components of the redesign of the art lesson plans for arts productivity ability development.
- The changes in student’ arts productivity ability,learning behaviors and theirclass interaction.
- The changes in teachers’ professional learningdevelopment as well as of theirrelationship at work.
Target Group :
22 of grade 1 students of Satit Pattana School.
Study Instruments:
- An Arts Productivity Ability Test,
- Quality Assessment Rubrics of an arts product.
- Classroom Observation of Students’ Learning BehaviorsGuidelines, and
- 3 lesson Plans and
- Teacher Learning Logs.
The findings were as follows:
1) The 3lessons were redesigned with 5-step learning process (Questioning, searching, constructing, communicating, and Servicing) with “Think-Pair-Share Activities” in a small groups of 4diversified ability students.
2) All 22 of grade 1 students had gained passingscores in the arts productivity ability test. Collaborative and active learning and interactive behaviors among students clearly increased their arts products creatively and meaningfully.
3) Collaboration activities in LS cycles with my buddy teacher and members of PLC assisted me to get a better understanding of my students’ potential, interests and needs. Collegiality has guided me to grow in my professional learning and practice in my arts teaching.